For example if the Slider was 'Height Short/Tall'.A: Setting a slider to -100.0 will set that slider to its smallest.Q: How do the sliders work? What does -100.0 mean compared to 100.0?.Add the ability to apply a Slider value to all Sims.Extensible: You can add your own sliders to work with this mod without needing to modify the Sim Modifiers in the package file itself.Save a Slider Template of your Sim and apply it to various other Sims!.Example: Make your Sim Taller with monster sized hands.Change sliders like Height, Hand Size, Thigh Size, etc.Customize the body parts of your Sim without going into CAS (All Ages).If a third party does something to/with/for this mod that goes against Nexus rules, the third party takes full responsibility NOT this mod nor its author. The accountability is entirely on the third party. Custom Slider Framework is a mod created for The Sims 4.ĬolonolNutty and the Custom Slider Framework Home itself are neither responsible, liable, nor accountable for what people use this mod for, what people add to it, or how people extend from it.